Friday, February 13, 2009

Joaquin Phoenix is Not That Good an Actor

Alright. So everyone is pooping themselves over the latest celebrity "is he or isn't he" scenario. (No, Tom Cruise. We're not talking about you.)

This time it involves Joaquin Phoenix and his alleged rapper career move. He claims that he has quit acting, although his buddy Casey Affleck is following him around with a camera filming the whole charade for an upcoming "documentary".

He was on Letterman a couple nights ago, seeming incoherent and unresponsive, allowing Dave a chance to sling in a dozen or so one liners.

Letterman was actually pretty good. He definitely wasn't in his prime, but on this particular night he only seemed about ten years past his prime, instead of the usual twenty.

That's not too bad, considering how much of a whiny East Coast left Dave has become in his old age.

Joaquin, considering his family and personal history, could be another Hollywood drug burnout case.

However, when you look past the dark glasses hiding his eyes, the "look down and chew gum" maneuver when Dave would make a funny to keep from smiling or chuckling, and the unresponsive character play, it pretty becomes pretty obvious he's just playing a part. Look for excerpts from this faux interview to be part of his mockumentary.

You can see for yourself at the link, unless CBS decides to bully it off youtube.;_ylt=AsCvL6O8MwAMUdiPa7ZSP5FxFb8C

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